Colour Management


Colour management in Blender is in linear colour space with the View Transform set to AGX (or Filmic before 4.0). While these view transforms include a wide dynamic range, it will cause your chosen colours to appear “washed out” or low contrast when no prost processing is applied.


This workflow assumes you’ll be doing some post processing to grade the colour into a more faithful result. Since not a lot of people (especially newer users) are doing this, KRK (as of KRK211) is set to Filmic with Medium High Contrast and then in post (the compositor), is undergoing a conversion from Filmic to sRGB to produce a more expected result.


The viewports are set so that what you see passes through the compositor process. If you create a new 3d viewport, remember to turn on the compositing to “Always” so that the colour is properly reproduced.


Remember, your eyes have the final say. Always compare to a physical reference.